Monday, June 23, 2014

Hightower Falls: Tell Us Your Memories in the Comments!

Hightower Falls: Tell Us Your Memories in the Comments! 

It's hard to talk about Antioch without mentioning Hightower Falls.  There is an AMAZING history to be told about the iconic Falls, and it grows deeper with each story told and fact remembered.  The oral and written history that I know of dates back to the late 1820s, if I remember correctly.  That's getting close to 200 years' worth of local history about the people and places that have shaped us native "Antiochans"  to be proud of who and where we came from.  Most of Polk County will recognize the photo below.  It was believed to have been taken at Hightower Falls around 1900.  I am eager to read the memories and histories from our readers!  Please share any knowledge you can about this Historic Place!